ButGod wants people to see the love of God by sharing stories of redemption. All of us have faced hard times, made mistakes and went through pain, but God… We don’t remove the hard things, the pain, or the struggles or the mistakes – because that’s what makes the story worth sharing. We believe we are all in some way or another broken and through the Love of God, we can all have a ButGod story.
Has God has done something radical in your life? Do you have a But God story?
If God has redeemed you, please think about sharing your story so others can receive the same redemption you did.
Submit your name, email and a brief summary of your story so we can praise God for what He did in your life. If you’re willing, we would love to record your story and share it with others. To have your ButGod story recorded and shared, check the box so we can set up a time to get it recorded.